Jun 3, 2009

We Fight About Fruit Trees

Some couples fight about money. Others fight about housework. We fight about fruit trees. The fight is long over now but I am still reeling from the stupidity of it all.

What's the dumbest thing you've ever fought with your hubbs about?


Amber said...

The purchasing of massages as gifts, and for whom... :)

Holly said...

Good one Amber! You were pregnant though so you totally have a pass!

Unknown said...

I want more details on the fight, who wanted what?

Holly said...

Initially it was just that I wanted trees and he didn't but it quickly took on a life of its own and somehow flip-flopped where he wanted me to get the #*($&)# trees and I refused. Stupid, right?

Unknown said...

Whose turn it is to unclog the toilet...I think it will always be the man's job...since they are the ones who clog it.